你知道 "http" 跟 "https" 有何不同嗎?
The difference between http:// and https:// 附中譯
Once in a while, there is something that comes down the pike that is of real importance.
What is the difference between http and https ?
Don't know how many of you are aware of this difference, but it is worth sending to any that do not know .....
http 和 https 之間的差異,不知你們有多少人注意到了,但還是值得將此訊息傳送給還不知道的人 。
The main difference between http:// and https://
is it's all about keeping you secure ** HTTP stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol **
http:// 跟https:// 之間的差異在於網路文字傳送協定標準不同。
The S ( big surprise ) stands for " Secure "..
If you visit a website or web page, and look at the address in the web browser, it will likely begin with the following: http://.
This means that the website is talking to your browser using the regular unsecured language.
In other words, it is possible for someone to " eavesdrop " on your computer's conversation with the website.
If you fill out a form on the website, someone might see the information you send to that site.
這僅一個字母S的差別代表 "安全 ( secure )" , 所以 http:// 是該網頁與你的電腦瀏覽器,以一般 (非安全) 模式在進行互動交談,所以內容有可能遭攔截竊聽;換句話說,你在此類網頁上填寫傳送的資料有可能被有心人士看到。
This is why you never ever enter your credit card number in an http website!
這僅一個字母S的差別代表 "安全 ( secure )" , 所以 http:// 是該網頁與你的電腦瀏覽器,以一般 (非安全) 模式在進行互動交談,所以內容有可能遭攔截竊聽;換句話說,你在此類網頁上填寫傳送的資料有可能被有心人士看到。
This is why you never ever enter your credit card number in an http website!
But if the web address begins with https://, that basically means your computer is talking to the website in a secure code that no one can eavesdrop on.這就是為什麼你從不會在http網頁輸入你的信用卡資料,但如果網址開頭是https://,基本上意謂著,你的電腦是以無人能盜取得安全碼,與該網頁進行互動交談。
You understand why this is so important, right?你瞭解為什麼這是如此重要了,對吧?
If a website ever asks you to enter your credit card information, you should automatically look to see if the web address begins with https://.請在輸入機密資料時確認該網頁開頭是不是https:// 。
If it doesn't , You should NEVER enter sensitive information .... such as a credit card number, SS # etc
如果不是,請勿輸入敏感資料 .... 諸如信用卡號碼,SS # 等等。
You understand why this is so important, right?你瞭解為什麼這是如此重要了,對吧?
If a website ever asks you to enter your credit card information, you should automatically look to see if the web address begins with https://.請在輸入機密資料時確認該網頁開頭是不是https:// 。
If it doesn't , You should NEVER enter sensitive information .... such as a credit card number, SS # etc
如果不是,請勿輸入敏感資料 .... 諸如信用卡號碼,SS # 等等。
PASS IT ON ( You may save someone a lot of grief ).
請廣為傳送 ( 也許可替人免去一些悲劇 )
請廣為傳送 ( 也許可替人免去一些悲劇 )